• Created rules show on the Alerts Dashboard,
• But when click the device which have matched the “Alert Rules” . The Recent Events DO NOT show that it "Issued acknoledgment for rule “RULE NAME” to transport mail or syslog or telegram "
Previously it was working before I updated the device polling rate to 1-minute. Does changing to 1-minute polling cause this problem?
Kindly help me on my issue. Thank you
post the full output of ./validate.php
Here it is.
I’ve also tried to changed the Alert Rules interval to 1 minute but still not working.
Things to check.
Check your alert templates. Make sure you don’t have an error in one of the templates. This could cause the alerting transports to stop working.
Check your alert settings under global settings make sure they are not set to disable.
Check your firewall on the server and network.
Check your librenms logs. In /opt/librenms/logs
Also see here → Home - LibreNMS Docs
This is kinda weird because using the “Test Transport” (MAIL, Telegram or Syslog) I received the test message
sounds like you have error in your alert templates.
This seems to have fixed the issue. I’ve reset to default the Alerting Templates. Thank you very much.
This issue can be closed.
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