Alert Rules plugin widget for dashboard

Hi all,
I am excited to announce the release of my plugin nmswidgetalertrules. It’s a new plugin that adds a widget to the dashboard for showing number of active alerts per alert rule.

Available from the github repository: GitHub - dot-mike/nmswidgetalertrules: LibreNMS plugin that adds dashboard widget to display alert rules with status

If you have questions, feel free to ask. If you have any issues or discover bugs, please report them using the issue tracker on GitHub. Thanks!

some feedback for the developers of LibreNMS:


Please add a way to add widgets through plugins.
I had to manually hook the widgets variable to inject my own and I had to modify the language file through a hacky way with laravel:

nmswidgetalertrules/src/Providers/WidgetServiceProvider.php at main · dot-mike/nmswidgetalertrules · GitHub

nmswidgetalertrules/src/Providers/WidgetServiceProvider.php at main · dot-mike/nmswidgetalertrules · GitHub