Alerts - Cleaning up some code?

Hi all, looking for a way to further cleanup alerts. I’ve now been working with libre for 2 days, starting to get into the alerts. If a port goes down and up, I get the email but its pretty messy. When viewing the details it comes from sysobjectID and sysDescr. Not sure why those are even there. Pretty sure this is the problem here:

@if ($alert->faults) Faults:
@foreach ($alert->faults as $key => $value)
#{{ $key }}: {{ $value[‘string’] }}

Can I just remove this and use other variables instead? Are those variables in the docs or elsewhere? This, as it stands now is impossible to read for my group. Thanks!


All the variables are listed in the screen you displayed. So feel free to use any of them. And the list of variables depends on the rule, and is directly linked to the database objects. In your case, you probably want to display all details linked to ports.

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