All Devices Go Down Shortly After Adding (SOLVED)

I recently installed LibreNMS on CentOS 7 and no matter what device is added or how it is configured it goes down in the dashboard after a few minutes. I have no idea what could possibly be causing this. The devices are most definitely up. Manually pinging and querying snmp work fine. For now I have turned off SELinux and the firewall. Where can I begin looking for this issue? I have checked all of the relevant logs.

Can you test this and see if it helps?

./scripts/github-apply 7603

After you are done testing:

That worked. Should I still remove it?

You can leave it for now, once it gets merges upstream it will break your updates and you’ll need to remove it :wink:

What did that do?

Also Thanks!

Some crons don’t set the environment before running cron entries.
Before this resulted in fping not being found and failing to run, but returning success anyway.
There was a bugfix that fixed that bug, but we found people with misconfigured systems.

#7603 finds the full path to fping and saves it in the database.

I’ve actually run into that issue with cron before, but I since we just started testing librenms…no clue. Thanks again.

The fix is upstream, so run ./ if you are not up to date yet.

Cool. Thanks again!