Similar to Allow device url by hostname by murrant · Pull Request #11831 · librenms/librenms, I’d like to enable links to use the port name rather than the internal port ID.
This is to enable linking to specific ports/interfaces from our DCIM (Netbox) that holds all our devices/interfaces, without needing to sync LibreNMS specific device/interface IDs into it.
Ex, for port ge-0/2/0, allowing both:
I’m happy to try to create a PR but would need some guidance on what all places to tweak , the PR for the hostname has a few small tweaks, for the port page would it just be attempting to resolve the ID here from a name? librenms/includes/html/pages/device/ at 20e88e6cf4e9df1398be456a16df9c6349156311 · librenms/librenms · GitHub