I am having an issue where I cannot seem to get the to and from fields to work properly when I query the /api/v0/logs/alertlog/:hostname endpoint.
In particular I can get the dates to filter properly but no matter how i encode the request the api is ignoring the time field
from the documentation:
curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' https://librenms.org/api/v0/logs/eventlog/:hostname?limit=20&start=5&from=2017-07-22%2023:00:00
The documentation suggests using the %20 to encode the space between the date and time, which I’ve tried to no avail. I cannot seem to get the api to properly filter the time. It will pick up and filter the dates, so I can limit requests to a particular day, but I also would like to filter this down to a particular range of a few minutes.
Any help is appreciated.