Aruba InstantOn discovery update

Can we get discovery of Aruba InstantOn in the discovery/procurve.yaml updated?

Arube/HPE are now listing their sysdescr as “HPE Networking Instant On” in the code

New Regex needed as follows:

   - '/^HPE Networking Instant On (?<hardware>[^,]+), InstantOn_\d+_(?<version>[0-9\.]+)/'

SNMP output example:
iso. = STRING: “HPE Networking Instant On Switch 24p Gigabit 2p 10GBT 2p SFP+ 1960 JL806A, InstantOn_1960_3.0.0.0 (12)”

Thanks in advance!

Hi @tixylixs

The PR is already started, but help is needed to record test-data. Feel free to help and make it happen.


Awesome, thanks. I’ll see what I can do to help.