ATS - Apache Traffic Server

As squid is coming into it’s ages and more and more people are moving over to ATS I just wonder if someone already has some thoughts or plans for monitoring ATS within LibreNMS?

and especially the monitoring section:

Thank you,

I would absolutely love to have Apache Traffic Server integration with LibreNMS!

Please let me know how I can help

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I am not a developer but I am more then happy to help with testing and giving feedback :wink:

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I am with you @wriedel, we can set up an ATS lab, parse it’s output via a bash script, and extend snmpd. However, we might need help with bringing it into LibreNMS as a supported application.

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I’d be interested to see the output of the ATS stats over http plugin. I understand it spits everything out in JSON including the ATS version # which could be beneficial since that seems to be the new direction for LibreNMS app polling.

ATS is the new edge of the internet, we maybe should look into this more :wink: