I have setup a new LibreNMS server with distributed polling using the following config. but unable to get the auto-discovery to work. when I run snmp-scan.py with a network all devices get added without an issue. what am I missing here?
Also, installed LLDP in the polling server and enabled running with options “-c -f -e -C eth0 -I eth0 -r”
[lldpcli] # show configuration
Global configuration:
Transmit delay: 30
Transmit hold: 4
Receive mode: yes
Pattern for management addresses: (none)
Interface pattern: eth0
Permanent interface pattern: (none)
Interface pattern for chassis ID: eth0
Override chassis ID with: (none)
Override description with: (none)
Override platform with: Linux
Override system name with: (none)
Advertise version: yes
Update interface descriptions: no
Promiscuous mode on managed interfaces: no
Disable LLDP-MED inventory: yes
LLDP-MED fast start mechanism: yes
LLDP-MED fast start interval: 1
Source MAC for LLDP frames on bond slaves: local
Port ID TLV subtype for LLDP frames: unknown
Agent type: unknown
Below is from config.php
$config[‘snmp’][‘community’] = array(‘chsxs’);
$config[‘nets’][] = ‘’;
#Autodiscovery Settings - pluto
$config[‘autodiscovery’][‘xdp’] = true;
#Autodiscover hosts via discovery protocols
$config[‘autodiscovery’][‘ospf’] = true;
#Autodiscover hosts via OSPF
$config[‘autodiscovery’][‘bgp’] = true;
#Autodiscover hosts via BGP
$config[‘autodiscovery’][‘snmpscan’] = true;
#Autodiscover hosts via SNMP scanning
$config[‘discover_services’] = false;
#Autodiscover services via SNMP on devices of type servers
#Test parameters
$config[‘bad_if_regexp’][] = ‘/*’;
$config[‘good_if’][] = ‘et-’;
$config[‘good_if’][] = ‘xe-’;
$config[‘good_if’][] = ‘ge-’;
$config[‘polling’][‘selected_ports’] = true;
discovery.php output for the device I like to add
bash-4.2$ ./discovery.php -h -d
LibreNMS Discovery
SQL[select migration
from migrations
order by id
desc limit 1 [] 2.62ms]
SQL[select count(*) as aggregate from migrations
limit 1 [] 1.87ms]
SQL[SELECT version() [] 4.06ms]
Version info:
Commit SHA: 2dfb37548d08c28372d016119afca684ae7170d2
Commit Date: 1600201755
DB Schema: 2020_08_28_212054_drop_uptime_column_outages (173)
PHP: 7.3.22
MySQL: 8.0.16
RRDTool: 1.5.5
Updating os_def.cache
WHERE disabled = 0 AND snmp_disable = 0 AND hostname
LIKE ‘’ AND poller_group IN(1) ORDER BY device_id DESC [] 4.11ms]
./discovery.php 2020-10-21 19:47:09 - 0 devices discovered in 0.211 secs
MySQL [1/0.00s]: Cell[1/0.00s] Row[-1/-0.00s] Rows[1/0.00s] Column[0/0.00s] Update[0/0.00s] Insert[0/0.00s] Delete[0/0.00s]
RRD [0/0.00s]: