Auto Discovery not working / Hosts file not being read

Hello all

First, I’m a novice at Linux and completely new to docker :wink: For the purposes of learning something new, my installation monitors a private network with roughly 1/3 SNMP & 2/3 IP devices. I followed Jason Loong’s guide to install on Synology …
For the past week I have been reading this forum on how to questions and testing … so I’ve kinda reached the searchable limit of knowledge.

Post LNMS installation, a few SNMP devices were found and I added 2 more manually, but no IP standalone devices.

As per Docs & posts, I added the following to config.php and waited 24 hours, no new additions to DB
$config[‘nets’] = “192.168.XXX.0/24”;
$config[‘autodiscovery’][‘xdp’] = true;
$config[‘discovery_by_ip’] = true;

Not sure what is missing ???

To manually add devices, I ran ./ -v --ping -fallback … which added 25 devices as ICMP

I read a post here (which now I cant find again) where someone was using HOSTS file to resolve IP devices, so I added a few device names to my HOSTS file and confirmed they were resolving and reachable
root@librenms:/# ping z8700
PING z8700 ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from z87 ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=59 time=0.597 ms

It was suggested in this post that LNMS automatically “did its thing” and updated the IP entry with the name from HOSTS file
My LNMS does not update IP entries with the name entered into HOSTS ?

Your guidance will be appreciated

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