Availability Map Showing Wrong Services


For example, CTC group device’s services are showing other services from other device groups.

But for showing devices from CTC group, it showed the correct devices from CTC group.
Just had trouble with showing services from a certain group.

An all services availability map from all devices is working fine.

Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you.


Component Version
LibreNMS 1.70.1-32-gb07b81021
DB Schema 2020_11_02_164331_add_powerstate_enum_to_vminfo (191)
PHP 7.4.3
Python 3.8.5
MySQL 10.3.25-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.20.04.1
RRDTool 1.7.2

[OK] Composer Version: 2.0.8
[OK] Dependencies up-to-date.
[OK] Database connection successful
[OK] Database schema correct
Cannot load Zend OPcache - it was already loaded
Cannot load Zend OPcache - it was already loaded
Cannot load Zend OPcache - it was already loaded
Cannot load Zend OPcache - it was already loaded
Cannot load Zend OPcache - it was already loaded
Cannot load Zend OPcache - it was already loaded
Cannot load Zend OPcache - it was already loaded
Cannot load Zend OPcache - it was already loaded
Cannot load Zend OPcache - it was already loaded
Cannot load Zend OPcache - it was already loaded
[WARN] Your install is over 24 hours out of date, last update: Wed, 13 Jan 2021 13:23:47 +0000
Make sure your daily.sh cron is running and run ./daily.sh by hand to see if there are any errors.

I had ran daily.sh but it is not fixing the widget. :frowning:

We have the same issue here.

After enabling the verbose output we could check that there is a pb with the creation of the query ( see below ) :

select service_id, services.device_id, service_type, service_desc, service_status, device_group_device.device_group_id as pivot_device_group_id, device_group_device.device_id as pivot_device_id from services inner join device_group_device on services.service_id = device_group_device.device_id where device_group_device.device_group_id = ? order by service_status desc, service_type asc
[0] => 10

As you can see the join is done with device_id and service_id wich leads to random display

Maybe we coudl open a bug ? I do not know where ?

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