Bandwith Graph - 5 Minute missing

Been seeing this lately and it seems like when bandwidth go above 60Mbps that it’ll miss 5 minutes on the graph - see graph below

I’ve run the ./poller.php -h HOSTNAME -r -f -d | ./ from my LibreNMS box and not sure what to look for the determine the issue of miss graphs

By the way I notice this only on bandwidth graphs of device behind my firewall and graphs on the firewall itself. I did check out librenms/ at master · librenms/librenms · GitHub and have remove some unused poller modules. I also want to know how to achieve the following:

“If you poll a large number of devices / ports then it’s recommended to run a local recurisve dns server such as pdns-recursor.”

“Running RRDCached is also highly advised in larger installs but has benefits no matter the size.”

Seems you could be having performance issues check this doc out for rrdcaching

Tried that and Error Drawing graph. My RRD tool version is 1.7.0