Billing 95 percentile calculation got it wrong

Component | Version
--------- | -------
LibreNMS  | 1.45
DB Schema | 270
PHP       | 7.0.30-0+deb9u1
MySQL     | 10.1.26-MariaDB-0+deb9u1
RRDTool   | 1.6.0
SNMP      | NET-SNMP 5.7.3


one device, included in a bill, haven’t been polled for a few days (VPN issues) and it seams to broke up the 95 percentile calculation.

I see some RRD value as NaN, I suppose the billing is not working due to that.

Have you already see that kind of issue ? Could we fix that ?

Best Regards,

No one will know as you’ve not provided any information at all on what the issue is

Sorry I forgotten the screen shot. I have edited my message.

As you can see the 95th%ile is not correct.

Does anyone have a clue on this problem ?

Now that the month is finish, the wrong information is in my historical data.

Can we force a new calculation ?

I still have some issue with the 95percentil calculation.

Does anyone have the same kind of problem ? Can anyone give me any hint ?

Best regards,