[Brocade] - Bug display in the "Total Traffic"


I am using LibreNMS and I have a problem with displaying graphics in the “Total Traffic” part.
This one shows me several Tb / s whereas it is false.
I start in LibreNMS and I do not know why this chart is wrong.
Would anyone be able to orient me to solve this problem?
For information I have several equipment (~ 20) from the same manufacturer (Brocade) and everything else is fine but not for this equipment.

Thanking you in advance.

Can post a screenshot of what you are looking at, please.

check here -> https://docs.librenms.org/#Support/FAQ/#faq15

Then follow this doc.
make sure to run the scripts too.

Ok thanks but the second link doesn’t work.

sorry here you go https://docs.librenms.org/#Extensions/RRDTune/#rrdtune

Ok thank you I look at this and I’ll make you a return on it. :wink:

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So following yesterday’s message here is what I did:

  • I activated the “Tune all rrd port files to use max values” (cf: attachment).
  • On my equipment I have “edit” then “Misc” and I activated the option “Enable RD Tune for all pors?”.
  • Finally in “Port Settings” I activated on all my ethernet interfaces the “RRD Tune”.

However I always have the same worries in the graph “Total Traffic” I always have inconsistent values.
While the graphic of my uplink is good.

I admit to being lost and not to understand anything. : /

you need to run the scripts also…its in the doc


Oops I forgot to run the script, I feel stupid … sorry.

By launching the script it is better, I found an “overall traffic” corresponds to the value of my equipment.

Thank you for everything !

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