Bug in New Version: Unable to Select Dates in CPU/RAM Graphs After Update

It seems there is a bug in the new version. Whenever I update to the latest version, I am unable to select the date when viewing the overall CPU or RAM graphs. The calendar only displays specific years and dates as text, and even when I input the dates manually, I am unable to query the selected range of content. See the attached image for reference.

New version:

Old version :

I am currently using the previous version, which is functioning normally:

Component Version
LibreNMS 24.1.0-58-g391a918 (2024-02-04T05:32:07+08:00)
DB Schema 2024_01_04_195618_add_ignore_status_to_devices_tables (288)
PHP 8.1.10
Python 3.6.8
Database MariaDB 10.5.17-MariaDB
RRDTool 1.7.2
SNMP 5.7.2

Has anyone encountered the same problem??
Help graphing applications

Hello! I have the same issue and haven’t managed to solve it. Did you find any solution yet?

I solved the issue by using a previous version of LibreNMS and it works perfectly fine.

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