Bug of poller? librenms report wrong info for some Netapp storage volumes

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It is noticed that some Netapp storage volumes are reporting incorrect numbers on librenms. the snmp reporting data is correct. However, after poller calculation librenms somehow got it incorrectly.

here is the full capture of poller.

For example, volume /vol/backup data from snmp shows percentage 98% and 240008568KB(about 229GB)

[37] => Array
                    [dfIndex] => 37
                    [dfFileSys] => /vol/backup/
                    [dfKBytesTotal] => 1395864372
                    [dfKBytesUsed] => 1155855800
                    [dfKBytesAvail] => 240008568
                    [dfPerCentKBytesCapacity] => 98
                    [dfInodesUsed] => 44728609
                    [dfInodesFree] => 355271386
                    [dfPerCentInodeCapacity] => 11
                    [dfMountedOn] => /vol/backup/
                    [dfMaxFilesAvail] => 399999994
                    [dfMaxFilesUsed] => 44728604
                    [dfMaxFilesPossible] => 2040109444
                    [dfHighTotalKBytes] => 3
                    [dfLowTotalKBytes] => 1395864372
                    [dfHighUsedKBytes] => 3
                    [dfLowUsedKBytes] => 483873332
                    [dfHighAvailKBytes] => 0
                    [dfLowAvailKBytes] => 240007824
                    [dfStatus] => mounted
                    [dfMirrorStatus] => invalid
                    [dfPlexCount] => 0
                    [dfType] => flexibleVolume
                    [dfHighSisSharedKBytes] => 0
                    [dfLowSisSharedKBytes] => -1275712872
                    [dfHighSisSavedKBytes] => 1
                    [dfLowSisSavedKBytes] => -165884876
                    [dfPerCentSaved] => 39
                    [df64TotalKBytes] => 14280766260
                    [df64UsedKBytes] => 13368778956
                    [df64AvailKBytes] => 240013356
                    [df64SisSharedKBytes] => 3019254360
                    [df64SisSavedKBytes] => 8423974420
                    [df64CompressSaved] => 0
                    [dfCompressSavedPercent] => 0
                    [df64DedupeSaved] => 8423894348
                    [dfDedupeSavedPercent] => 39
                    [df64TotalSaved] => 8423843328
                    [dfTotalSavedPercent] => 39
                    [df64TotalReservedKBytes] => 0

However, poller reports storage_perc 94% and storage_free is 934600544256 (about 870GB)

Storage /vol/backup/: netapp-storage

    [storage_id] => 251
    [device_id] => 60
    [storage_mib] => netapp-storage
    [storage_index] => 37
    [storage_type] => flexibleVolume
    [storage_descr] => /vol/backup/
    [storage_size] => 14623504650240
    [storage_units] => 1024
    [storage_used] => 13688904105984
    [storage_free] => 934600544256
    [storage_perc] => 94
    [storage_perc_warn] => 60
    [storage_deleted] => 0
    [units] => 1024
    [used] => 13689629650944
    [size] => 14623504650240
    [free] => 933874999296

The output of ./validate.php:

librenms]# ./validate.php
Component | Version
--------- | -------
LibreNMS  | 1.40
DB Schema | 251
PHP       | 7.0.30
MySQL     | 5.5.56-MariaDB
RRDTool   | 1.6.0
SNMP      | NET-SNMP 5.7.2

[OK]    Composer Version: 1.6.5
[OK]    Dependencies up-to-date.
[OK]    Database connection successful
[OK]    Database schema correct


I am still waiting help with this case.

Just FYI this a community forums not and your post is not “case” so if some has time or answer they will reply.

Hi Kevin,
Yes, I understand that that and thanks for reminding me. Just wondering my question may “sink” to the bottom after sometime and no one notice it.