Can not create top cpu device widget

Hi guys.
Im trying to create a cpu top-devices widget on my dashboard.
Default traffic top device is created ok , but when I change top query to “cpu usage” , widget shows:
#### No devices found within interval..
Very strange, this works ok in other servers I have.
btw , dont know what info should share with you , please let me know.
Cpu graphs for each device are ok…
BTW: trying to create top storage and memory dont work … only interface traffic.


Umh… It works for me

Here it does not:

After following all sugested fixed from ./validate.php it begin working.

I have the same problem, but i can’t find any recomendation

did you try ./validate.php script ?

at first i didn’t understand that, but after reading some documentation i realize how to do that. I’m testing this software from the OVA.

So, after execute ./validate.php I realize the problem was timezone coherence, between php, server and database.


@Jaime , can you mark my response as solution ? thanks.

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