Does anyone know if it’s possible to make the status clickable when editing alerts?
I see 2 red exclamation points in the edit menu but I’m unable to click them and see a simple listing of devices matching the alert being depicted.
I’ve circled the entry I’d like clickable to make it seem more logical.
Yeah the ! icon depicting “HEY this is important!” seems like the logical one but hey the name too.
Really appreciate your work, amazing, this community is very good.
Thank you.
Hey while I have you, silly random idea.
When designing a new alert a “test this alert” button would be nice. (Like Outlook or Gmail? Which basically is “show me what this filter would do”) ? That would be nice.
I think what I wanted was a preview, so it might show devices currently impacted by the filters I’m configuring.
As I’m learning the system it would make my life easier.
I was attempting to set up a monitor for low toner. However for example, with the toner it was reporting that low paper was low toner, it was saying that filled waste toner bins, was low toner, etc.
So I wanted to press a button which said “if you saved this, these devices, would already be alerting”
This would ALSO ensure I am filtering the right devices. I somehow got a computer (yes, really) to come up on my low toner alert.
Ah, I get what you’re saying. I think I’d just save the alert-rule with mute enabled and then see what our new link shows us but maybe something a bit more real time would be nice.