I am able to run oxidized by just issuing the command “oxidized” and it works fine, pulling configs and showing them to me in LibreNMS. When I run “sudo systemctl start oxidized.service” it exits. Running “sudo systemctl status oxidized.service” returns “Oct 15 11:39:52 librenms oxidized[24801]: Error loading config: (): mapping values are not allowed in this context at line 34 column 13”
Does the command and the service use different config files or what is going on? I am trying to get oxidized to run in the background on OS boot and my troubleshooting has led me here. Am I on the right track?
Thank you
EDIT: running “oxidized --daemonize” allows it to run in the background. Should I try to automate this command on startup or try to implement it the way the documentation says via “update-rc.d oxidized defaults” which led me here?