Central management and distributed librenms

Because of poor site connections We are using multiple librenms servers in different locations. We do not want saturate site connections by snmp traffic.

But with this config we must login every server one by one.

Is it possible to make a central management librenms server :slight_smile: just adding librenms servers in it. So only http traffic will we passed from central to site librenms servers.

I know this is a new project maybe but it will be very comfortable. Just a simple http server with sso function. From this web site we can manage and monitor many librenms servers :slight_smile:

and this central server must have multiple ldap authentication integration.
Best regards…

I don’t think this will be a simple http server nor a simple task as you would have duplicate IDs all the time meaning an entire webui would need to be created to pull data in from varying mysql servers.

Personally, I don’t see this being something that would happen.

You could make use of the API to pull in data centrally, graphs and alerts should be all possible from within the API.