Hi there,
pretty new to LibreNMS and I’m having some difficulties with an alert rule.
So I created an alert rule for our storage to generate an alert when
storage.storage_perc is greater or equal storage_storage_perc_warn
That does work but the threshold was a bit low (60% as the default - under Device -> Device Settings -> Storage> Warn%). I switched that to 80% but I still get alerts even though none of the disks is over the warning%.
Did I change the wrong parameter or why am I still getting alerts?
You did it correctly. What usage perc do you have? Im using it and works as it should
There is one drive that is at 97% and I set the threshold to 100% as I found no way to disbale the alert for only this one.
All others are between 10%-70% with a threshold of 80%.
And what storage is giving you alerted when its not over perc_warn?
All of them, even is the actual use value is at 12%.
Timestamp: 2020-09-17 09:15:06
Unique-ID: 313
Rule: Storage over warning threshold Faults:
#1: sysObjectID = .; sysDescr = Linux TS-X71U 4.4.2; storage_id = 16; storage_descr = /mnt/HDA_ROOT;
#2: sysObjectID = .; sysDescr = Linux TS-X71U 4.4.2; storage_id = 17; storage_descr = /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA;
#3: sysObjectID = .; sysDescr = Linux TS-X71U 4.4.2; storage_id = 18; storage_descr = /share/CACHEDEV2_DATA;
#4: sysObjectID = .; sysDescr = Linux TS-X71U 4.4.2; storage_id = 19; storage_descr = /share/CACHEDEV3_DATA;
#5: sysObjectID = .; sysDescr = Linux TS-X71U 4.4.2; storage_id = 20; storage_descr = /share/NFSv=4/ESXIDataStore01;
#6: sysObjectID = .; sysDescr = Linux TS-X71U 4.4.2; storage_id = 21; storage_descr = /share/NFSv=4/Public;
#7: sysObjectID = .; sysDescr = Linux TS-X71U 4.4.2; storage_id = 22; storage_descr = /mnt/ext;
#8: sysObjectID = .; sysDescr = Linux TS-X71U 4.4.2; storage_id = 23; storage_descr = /mnt/pool1;
#9: sysObjectID = .; sysDescr = Linux TS-X71U 4.4.2; storage_id = 29; storage_descr = /mnt/snapshot/1/10002; Alert sent to:
Can you post your rule pls?
put like this `storage.storage_perc_warn` with the backticks? Not sure it that the correct name for that
Backticks didn’t help but I set the value in the alert rule to 80. Now I only get the alert for the one drive that is over 80%. So the problem is that it doesn’t read the storage.storage_perc_warn correctly.
Now I just have to find out why…
Im using it without issue with the backticks.
Test it again and make sure the name is correctly typed.
It’s working now, with the backticks!
Thank you so much for helping!