Change web config to use relative path for links instead of the full hostname?

We use LibreNMS locally on the network with a hostname like We have a remote access software that creates a secure tunnel to the network that proxies the web traffic to the server using the localhost and unique port number such as https://localhost:10620. We can browse and view some pages, but most of the links are coded with the set hostname that only works inside the LAN.

Is there a way to have it create the links leaving out the base part of the URL so a link like this:
would just link the relative path like this:
This would allow the links to work no matter if we’re using the internal URL or the remote access “localhost: port” URL.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!!!
Thank you.

Try setting base_url to /. I do that in my dev env and it seems to work ok.

lnms config:get base_url

Bizarre remote software. Does it have the ability to override DNS names? If so you could remap when the tunnel is up to

Thank you - don’t know why I didn’t see that setting when I was looking. Removing the specific URL and leaving it “/” seems to be working fine.

This is using N-able by Solarwinds remote control feature through an MSP. I’ve also seen another software “” that works similarly. Removing the base URL worked.

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