Config.php to "lnms config:set" migration tool

Hi Guys,

somebody know, if there is an script or anything else to migrate my config.php to lnms commands?

We have our own “standard” for the map as example and it would be great to migrate the whole config.php file to lnms commands.

Example below:

$config[‘autodiscovery’][‘xdp’] = true;
$config[‘network_map_items’] = array(‘xdp’);
$config[‘network_map_vis_options’] = ‘{
“nodes”: {
“color”: {
“background”: “rgba(20,252,18,1)”
“font”: {
“shadow”: {“enabled”:false}
“edges”: {
“smooth”: {
“forceDirection”: “none”
“interaction”: {
“hover”: true,
“multiselect”: true,
“physics”: {
“solver”: “repulsion”,
“minVelocity”: 1.75,
“repulsion”: {
“centralGravity”: 0.1,
“nodeDistance”: 300,
“springLength”: 300,
“springConstant”: 0.05
$config[‘network_map_legend’][‘dn’][‘node’] = “rgba(193,66,66,0.2)”;
$config[‘network_map_legend’][‘dn’][‘edge’] = “rgba(193,66,66,1)”;
