Config Push

Hi Guys,

Is there any way by using oxidized or any other plugin which can be integrated with Librenms to push the configs to the devices ?

Push devices into oxidized? Yes, we have docs on this already.

If you mean the other way around then no.

I mean push config to the group of devices which are listed in the oxidized

So actually put config on to the devices, use oxs which is included in oxidized.

Hi Laf,

Thanks for pointing me to the right direction, I’m trying to run this command
oxs -x username -verbose -d -r 5 —group Arista
to push new username to my Arista group devices which is gathered from Librenms API, if I want to push the config to several devices of this group, please advise how can I run it

You run it exactly as you just pasted above (assuming those flags are correct)

Hi Laf,

When I do it it pushes config to all arista devices, what if I want to separate core arista from Top of rack?
How can I push the config to only specific switches from this group?

You will need to run it per device or create a more specific group