Configure InfluxDB Token for LibreNMS


I’m trying to configure LibreNMS to send data to InfluxDB Cloud. So, with other apps I had no issues connecting them providing a bucket and token, but for LibreNMS I’m struggling to find the right way to provide these information.

According to the documentation I’ll need to configure

$config[‘influxdb’][‘enable’] = true;
$config[‘influxdb’][‘transport’] = ‘http’; # Default, other options: https, udp
$config[‘influxdb’][‘host’] = ‘’;
$config[‘influxdb’][‘port’] = ‘8086’;
$config[‘influxdb’][‘db’] = ‘librenms’;
$config[‘influxdb’][‘username’] = ‘admin’;
$config[‘influxdb’][‘password’] = ‘admin’;
$config[‘influxdb’][‘timeout’] = 0; # Optional
$config[‘influxdb’][‘verifySSL’] = false; # Optional

I can imagine our bucket needs to be configured as db, but how do I provide the token to LibreNMS?


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Looking for this info as well. InfluxDB2 needs a bucket name, API key, etc…

This plug-in is based on in influxdb v1 auth, influxdb cloud doesn’t support v1 auth so this won’t work

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