CPU INFORMATION NSX EDGE Firewall monitoring with LibreNMS next time

Helllo All,

i m trying to add more option to librenms that will able to poll the nsx edge (virtualisation) for the moment i can recover the traffics (in/outbits and in out pkts) and connections but i can’t recover the cpu for the connections and traffics i use this call api https://“.$nsx_m.”.sys.net/api/4.0/edges/“.$edge.”/statistics/dashboard/interface?interval=15 and for connections i use this https://“.$nsx_m.”.sys.net/api/4.0/edges/“.$edge.”/statistics/dashboard/firewall?interval=15 --insecure 2>/dev/null but i have not fond for cpu information and memory i fond this but it is only for the nsx and not for the edge /api/1.0/appliance-management/system/cpuinfo
who use nsx edge

i try also to get it by using Vrops because vrops can get the cpu but i don’t now how it do it

some one can help me .?

thank you