Create Alert for Port ifSpeed changes below or above gig

I need to receive an alert if a gig interface changes to 100Mb or 10Mb, currently an event is created if that happens, but is there a way to create a alert off the event of port 3 ifSpeed: 100000000 -> 1000000000 ?


is there a way to create a global rule that is a port changes speed you can receive an alert? something like if port speed changes X % send alert?

or is there a better way to do this?

Many Thanks,

have you looked at the doc

I have and from what I can tell is to write a rule that is ifportspeeed = or less than 1gig send alert the problem is not everything is 1 gig.

I would like a global rule that is, ifportspeed changes x % from current speed for x period of time send alert.

This is where I need a programmer since the manual does not provide a example for %

I’m open to any idea if the one I have does not make sense.

for this part, you could use “macros.past_5m” have options all the up to 60m

the other part im not sure I would have to play with it…

here are some idea’s

You could also try alerting out the eventlog.

more options



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I am using this:

ports.ifSpeed <= 100000000 AND ports.ifSpeed_prev > 100000000 AND macros.port_down = 0 AND macros.device_up = 1 AND ports.ifSpeed > 0

The problem is that I don’t know how to reset the ifSpeed_prev value eg. for client ports, where clients simply changed their CPE for 100 Mbps port (eg. because old client moved out and new client moved in, or so). The alert is very useful - except for the quite few cases, where port speed change is permanent and I have to keep it permanently acknowledged, instead of resetting the ifSpeed_prev value to 100 Mbps when needed.