Create GLPI tickets from LibreNMS

Hello LibreNMS community,

I’m using another monitoring tool (Nagios) and I am gradually migrating to LibreNMS. Transport alerts allow me to configure according to my needs except for one thing: in the current monitoring tool, I am able to create tickets (via event handler) on our GLPI system.

I already have the PHP scripts to create tickets via GLPI APIs but I would like to know how this could be added in LibreNMS?

Thanks for your help.

You should try adding the new transport yourself, if you’ve got a PHP script that does what you need then it’s unlikely to be too difficult to move the code over. You only need 2 files for us, the transport file in PHP and some documentation. Take a look at this pull request which you can use as a template: Created IBM On Call Manager Alert Transport by SaneiSaya · Pull Request #16395 · librenms/librenms · GitHub