Creating a new transport, getting "This transport type is not yet supported"

Hi, I am trying to create a new alert transport for ServiceNow. I thought I could start off from the existing API transport. So, copied the Api.php and renamed a few key strings in the code. Created a ServiceNow.php and copied in.

This enables me to see the “ServiceNow” as a transport type when creating a new alert transport on LibreNMS. However, when I enter detail and try to save the transport, it gives me an error

“This transport type is not yet supported”

Is there another step that I need to do other than putting the ServiceNow.php in /LibreNMS/Alert/Transport? I can’t understand why I am getting this error message.

UPDATE: My bad, the file was wrong.

I find that the naming of the transport should be “Servicenow” not “ServiceNow”. Once renamed, working fine.


Can someone share ServiceNow.php file or where to find it?
is there more details (How-To) on this integration?