Hi guys,
I am stuck on generating new graphs and getting them displayed on LibreNMS device graphs section.
What I need?
I have firewalls added to LibreNMS. For each firewall, I want to discover zones per firewall and then obtain values per each zone and push it to LibreNMS to be represented as a graph. Each graph will represent a single zone with 3 CPS values drawn on each.
What I have?
A python script that requests a list of firewalls from LibreNMS, runs the Zone and CPS checks for each firewall and then it is supposed to update/create RRD file. For trying, I have added the script under /etc/snmp/ and used extend script /path/to/script.py
What I see?:
I can see that the values are being obtained, the CPS per firewall is working great, I just don’t see the graphs being created. Am I missing something? I tried to follow the Custom Graphs documentation, but either seems outdated, or is not valid for this automated use case since the number of firewalls and zones is dynamic, cannot be hardcoded.
Thank you in advance!