Creating new Device for LibreNMS

Dear LibreNMS Community,

I am new in LibreNMS and I started to inventory facility appliances with this very promising product.

We have a specific UPS which is not detected by default.
Doing some research I am able to map useful metrics by adding new OIDs.
But unfortunately those metrics are not integrated with third party (I use influxdb).

Without any previous knowledge about the configuration file requirements, I have found an interesting github/includes/definitions.

I captured in the YAML file below OIDs I am interested in:

os: chloride
text: 'Chloride 70NET'
type: power
    - { graph: device_current, text: Current }
    - { graph: device_voltage, text: Voltage }
    - { graph: device_power, text: Power }
    - { graph: device_runtime, text: Runtime }
            - .
            - .
            - .
            - .
            - .
            - .
            - .
            - .
            - .
            - .

Which describe what I would fetch from this kind of device.
But I am a little lost on how I could test it, use it and update the repository to share with the community.

Then, I have read the section ** How do I add support for a new OS?** form Support Faq #20 and prepared logs paste bins Commands full outputs - LibreNMS.

So, here I am: I have found technical data in order to poll the device, but I am a little lost in how I can bind those to the LibreNMS project and having metrics available to 3rd party integration.

To summarize, my question are:

  • What are the next steps to make this new device part of the project and discoverable for the community in the future version?
  • What are the requirement to make above specified metrics available to 3rd party integrations?

Thank your in advance for your help,



Start here; Intro - LibreNMS Docs

Then you submit your changes on github