Hey everyone,
I am currently trying to integrate the Threema Broadcast API into LibreNMS for alerting our employees via the Threema Work Messenger. I am new to PHP and have no further knowledge of the Backend from LibreNMS .
Currently my problem is that I can`t find any logfile on my LibreNMS Server that contains debug information which help me developing the new Transport Type. Within the WebUI I only receive an generic error while testing my code “Test to Threema failed - General Error”. I am using the preinstalled Ubuntu 18.04 VM and tried to tail the logfiles I found on the system but no luck. Can someone point me to the correct logfiles and give me some hints how to debug LibreNMS/ PHP?
Best regards
Hey everyone,
I managed to create the Alert Transport for Threema Broadcast API. It is now possible to send Alert Messages either to groups, feeds or distibution lists. If someone is interrested I can publish the needed file and information.
Best regards
Hi @Ipf
The best would be to submit a Pull Request in github so we can review and merge it …
Hmm jeah ok…but I haven`t done anything like that before. So it could need some time 
I am not a full time developer…
Neither are we
Take your time, as we do anyway
Pull requests are not that difficult, and we have some doc in order to help you start with git (Using Git - LibreNMS Docs). You can also use the webui (somethimes it seems easier, but I find it more error-prone at the end).