Custom maps : empty loading background

I recently tried the Maps - Custom maps menu to place my wifi APs.
I am trying to load a background by floors (Set background) in .jpng .png with a classic dimension 1800px * 800px but it never appears.

Do you have any idea of ​​the problem?
Thanks a lot ! :grinning:

The new “custom map” menu is not accessible for users with the “User” role.
How can we add it?
Thanks :slight_smile:

This is a screenshot, with the error: Flasher is not loaded ?

In the librenms logs, I also have this error message :

The file "/applis/librenms/html/images/custommap/background/3_20.png" does not exist {"userId":8,"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\File\\Exception\\FileNotFoundException(code: 0): The file \"/applis/librenms/html/images/custommap/background/3_20.png\" does not exist at /applis/librenms/vendor/symfony/http-foundation/File/File.php:36)"} 

I hope to find the solution :crossed_fingers:

It’s a do-it-yourself solution :grinning:
I renamed my background and copied it directly into librensnms


There’s a naming convention, example: 3_20.png

  • 3 = the map number, visible in the URL or logs:
  • 20 = the map version number, visible in the logs

If a patch is forthcoming, thanks to you. :pray:

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