Custom OID has no description

Hi all,
I’m trying to configure custom OIDs for Siemens Scalance switch, they works (OID appears on the mainpage of the switch) but the description is missing.

In includes/definitions/discovery/scalance.yaml I added this three OIDs:

                    oid: snMspsRingRedundancyMode
                    num_oid: '.'
                    desc: 'Ring_Mode'
                    group: Redundancy
                    state_name: 'Ring_Mode'
                        - { value: 1, generic: 0, graph: 1, descr: 'Ring Off' }
                        - { value: 2, generic: 2, graph: 0, descr: 'HRP Mode' }
                        - { value: 3, generic: 0, graph: 2, descr: 'MRP Mode' }
                        - { value: 4, generic: 0, graph: 3, descr: 'Auto Mode' }
                    oid: snMspsRmState
                    num_oid: '.'
                    desc: 'Ring Manager'
                    group: Redundancy
                    state_name: 'Ring Manager'
                        - { value: 1, generic: 0, graph: 1, descr: 'RM Passive' }
                        - { value: 2, generic: 0, graph: 2, descr: 'RM Active' }
                    oid: snMspsRingRedundancyOperState
                    num_oid: '.'
                    desc: 'Ring Operative State'
                    group: Redundancy
                    state_name: 'Ring Operative State'
                        - { value: 1, generic: 0, graph: 0, descr: 'Disabled' }
                        - { value: 2, generic: 2, graph: 5, descr: 'HRP Client' }
                        - { value: 3, generic: 2, graph: 5, descr: 'HRP Manager' }
                        - { value: 4, generic: 0, graph: 1, descr: 'MRP Client' }
                        - { value: 5, generic: 0, graph: 1, descr: 'MRP Manager' }	

Same in the graph page

I’ve already tried to restart LibreNMS, delete cache file, delete and re-add the device, what am I missing?

Thanks for support

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