Dashboard graph with Interface Description Parsing not working


My dashboard graph widgets with Interface Description Parsing. Stopped working a few monts ago. Most likely after a upgrade, but i dont know what update.

When i create a graph widget with the “transit” aggreagator, the graph show “error: absolute path names not all”. Would like this function to work again asap.

Is there a quick fix for this?

Not enough info to determine the problem. can you post the exact parsing info?

absolute path not allowed usually means you have pathing wrong somewhere.

lest say the command run in “/data/1/” and you need to access to “/data/2/”
Absolut pathing would be “/data/2/” but what the command will accept is “…/2/”
(= from where I am go back one, then open folder 2)


Do you want the interface description?

I am using the built in “transit” parsing that is build into librenms. If i go to ports->Transit. Alle of my interfaces show up just fine, and graphs are working.


My interface description is:

Device 1
desciption Transit: Provider1

Device 2
desciption Transit: Provider2

Device 3
desciption Transit: Provider3

I have tried changing the description with no luck.

Graph URL:

I figured out that graph id: 452704 and 452853 is graphs from a device that is most likely deleted.

They showed up as a port in the “ports list” also. had do delete them manually in the database.

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