Greetings guys, I would first like to congratulate you on your great work, I miss a dash to monitor services like ping in a simple way to put on a monitor, would it be possible to create something that way?
You can add ping only devices. Just add the device and check the box for ping only.
Would you like something like this image, that add multiple hosts and could it turn red, or change color on a dashboard with multiple hosts is possible?
Already exist under Availability Map widget.
Thanks Kevin!
But is it possible to change / add the ok status for the hostname / sensor?
The idea is to view the hostname without hovering, can we customize it?
No not from the widget but Look under Overview ā Maps ā Availability.
Thanks Kevin! I believe this will work!
Be nice if we could filter out the up status and only show devices that are down or warning. Iām thinking for a dashboard up on the wall. I may have to dig through the code and see if I can figure that out.