Is it possible to have support for the DELL EMC SCv3020 storage unit? At the moment when adding it comes up as a generic FreeBSD device which doesn’t have a lot of information on it
Here are some of the snippets for you:
SNMP: https://p.libren.ms/view/eda1a4c1
Poller: https://p.libren.ms/view/643c848
Discovery: https://p.libren.ms/view/0e5c9e5d
I believe these are the MIBs for the EMC SCv3020: https://www.dell.com/support/home/uk/en/ukbsdt1/drivers/driversdetails?driverid=rdwfj
(Imported from https://github.com/librenms/librenms/issues/8998, Original request by: @SwimmingFish849)