Currently, we are monitoring all of our critical assets though librenms and receiving notifications on MS-Teams with great success.
However, the other day, we received this message inside an alert.
Action Required: O365 connectors within Teams will be deprecated and notifications from this service will stop. Learn more about the timing and how the Workflows app provides a more flexible and secure experience. If you want to continue receiving these types of messages, you can use a workflow to post messages from a webhook request. Set up workflow
Immediately, we looked on the workflow app on MS-Teams, but it seems it integrates it only with Azure.
It seems that the corporate greed of Microsoft caught up and disallows us to use ms-teams webhook for notfications.
Is there any available workaround regarding this issue?
I’m no expert in the capabilites of the current Teams connector, but wouldn’t it be possible to build something similar with Power Automate and a “HTTP action” that then calls the webhook in LibreNMS?
I’m afraid I can’t answer this (yet). I just started using LibreNMS a few weeks ago.
If I should guess, I would take a look into the API LibreNMS offers: Using the API - LibreNMS Docs
But I’m no expert in this. It just came into mind when I read your question.
The way messages are pushed must be modified. When you create a power automate workflow that capture a webhook and sed it to teams it works almost like actual teams with few modifications;