Device groups not fully working as intended


I have a question: I have defined a Device Group and added devices (static) to this group. Then I’ve created a new user with User privileges and assigned it to this group. Now this user only sees the devices where it has been authorized for. So far so good, however, when this user clicks on Ports and then VLANS, he sees also vlans from other companies which have no relation which eachother, why is this?

A copy and paste response to the same question asked on Discord a few days ago

“RBAC needs implementing properly within LibreNMS. In the meantime things like that just need fixing as when it’s found. If you can, pull requests grately welcome.”

So basically you’re saying that this isn’t working like it should, right? Would it be able to disable this then?

More or less :slight_smile: so far the code of LibreNMS behaves like this. LibreNMS is community based, and anybody can jump in and patch.