Device OID discovery needs to be triggered manually

When adding a new device to librenms, either manually or through the API, the discovery of the device doesn’t take place until I manually run discovery.php. I’ve included an image of what a device looks like 24 hours after being added via API, missing many of the power modules we need to track.

I’ve included a pastebin of the outputs of discovery.php/poller.php ran on another monitored host (same make/model as the one in the included picture). After running the scripts the NMS is now monitoring the proper OIDs and organized the device into a power hostgroup.

I will also add that I am running this as a docker image and the issue happens with different kinds of devices. ICT power, Linux servers, Juniper MXs. It’s like there’s a hold that keeps the system from polling devices completely. What can I do to solve this?

After 3 weeks with no response I would like to add some more info I’ve discovered. I tried “rediscovering” a device using the WebUI and the API but I see no logs suggesting the discovery took place, even after an hour of waiting. Only after running the discovery under the “capture” menu of the device do I see a discovered message populate in the logs.

This whole issue wouldn’t as big of a deal if I could run the debug discovery from the API, then I could script it to be ran after a new device gets added. At this point it can only be done manually.

Hi @AnonUser
The command that runs the discovery of the new devices is ./discovery.php -h new. This command used to be run in the librenms cron.
Now it probably moved to the scheduler.

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