Distributed poller .It seems like a difficult issue to describe clearly

I have deployed the distributed poller according to the guide on Scaling LibreNMS - LibreNMS Docs. The NODE_ID=668a6daa0d530is the main poller, and theconfig.php` is as follows:
$config[‘distributed_poller’] = true;
$config[‘distributed_poller_name’] = ‘my20411’;
$config[‘distributed_poller_group’] = ‘0’;
$config[‘service_watchdog_enabled’] = true;

NODE_ID=6720a63ec8d99 is the second poller, and the config.php is as follows:
$config[‘distributed_poller’] = true;
$config[‘distributed_poller_name’] = ‘my234’;
$config[‘distributed_poller_group’] = ‘2’;
The output of lnms shows group 2, but the web interface always displays group 0. It seems there is some configuration issue. Both ./validate.php outputs are OK, and the poller display is as follows.

My questions:

  1. Will the poller group specified in $config['distributed_poller_group'] = '2'; automatically appear in the web ui poller->groups?

  2. if no,so I created a new poller group in poller-groups and assigned the second poller, but after a while, the poller goes back to group 0 (General). Why is this happening?

  3. Is my distributed poller configuration correct? How can I verify it?


I would remove these settings from both pollers config.php

If you want to set the groups served via the UI you need to stop the poller service, change the UI, and start the poller.

The poller has no mechanism for dynamically changing which groups it is serving, and every polling cycle it updates the database with which groups it is serving (hence it changing).

So stop the service. Update the UI. Start the service(s).

HI,bro,how to stop and start poller service
newer to libernms

about set group,I set twice
first in config.php,
second,lnms config:set distributed_poller_group 0; lnms config:set distributed_poller_group 1.how to cancel them
furthermore,how to start and stop this service

systemctl stop librenms.service

Using lnms is the same as the Webui so you just need to stop the service, set the options then start the service

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