Docker Host -> Interfaces


I’m using librenms to monitor a host using dockers.
There it gets filled up with interfaces, cause the interfaces are generated, and if you “rebuild” / recreate a container it just gets a new generated, and the old one is delted.
But it is still in the list of “Host -> Edit -> Port Settings”.
How to cleanup this list?

Another question, about irc channel, is it for payed support only? cause it kicks me, and say’s its invite only channel.

Go to the main port list page from the top menu and you can purge all deleted ports.

A for the repeated discovery of ports:

Set the Port Association mode under /device/device=3006/tab=edit/section=snmp/ to something other than ifIndex (ifName can work).

As for irc, absolutely not, we don’t charge for anything. I can only guess you might be connecting to #librenms rather than ##librenms on freenode.

Thanks for fast reply.

Purge worked to cleanup.
I set up to ifname, testing if it works.

about irc, i thought the ## is a mistake so i tried to join #librenms
now it works. thx again.