Dynamic Highlight: Highlighting Devices with status down on the Custom Map


In the custom map, I would like to see the feature to highlight the device when the status changes to low.

A red outline around the image and the word “down” would look great, something similar to the availability map.

It already does for most:

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Yes, I like that, but in Device Image it doesn’t work.
I would also like the feature in device image


How would you make it work for an arbitrary image?


I think a red circle around the image would be cool.

Below is an example of a Zabbix image, “Google image”.

Or the feature of choosing the icon for status UP and status down would be much better.

"This feature would be wonderful for me to permanently migrate from Network-WeatherMap to the custom map."

That looks odd, but should be doable. I bet you could achieve it :slight_smile:

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