E-Mail Transport failing... but not?

Tried googling this to no avail…

My E-Mail alerting does work. I get E-Mail messages when things trigger an Alert within the parameters I’d expect.

However, when I check Recent Events for devices that have triggered an alert, it reports this:

#0 /opt/librenms/LibreNMS/Alert/RunAlerts.php(533): LibreNMS\Alert\Transport\Mail->deliverAlert() #1 /opt/librenms/LibreNMS/Alert/RunAlerts.php(262): LibreNMS\Alert\RunAlerts->extTransports() #2 /opt/librenms/LibreNMS/Alert/RunAlerts.php(483): LibreNMS\Alert\RunAlerts->issueAlert() #3 /opt/librenms/alerts.php(52): LibreNMS\Alert\RunAlerts->runAlerts() #4 {main} Transport delivery failed with 0 for : No contacts found
  1. validate.php both CLI and webGUI report no issues.
  2. This happens whether I have the E-Mail Transport set to send to a specific E-Mail address or “Admin Users”.
  3. Testing the E-Mail Transport (clicking test button) works.
  4. Issue does not appear tied to a specific device, or Alert rule. It seems to be “all”.
  5. I’m really not seeing what I can do to improve this.

Need some help here please.

You’ll need to provide us your config options for Email options, General alert settings and your transport.

Happens for me too, started getting these errors about a week ago out of the blue.

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Without details on your config it’s a bit hard to help

Same here.

Could this be linked with 24.10.1 update on the 6th November.
Came into a ton of alerts and this weird message even though I have alert transports defined and still have the deprecated default contact set in General Alert settings.

Ubuntu 22.04.05
Version 24.10.1 - Wed Nov 06 2024 15:04:00 GMT+0000
Database Schema 2024_10_12_210114_custom_map_legend_colours (304)
Web Server nginx/1.18.0
PHP 8.3.12
Python 3.10.12
MariaDB 10.6.18-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.22.04.1
Laravel 10.48.18
RRDtool 1.7.2

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Which config section specifically, the Alert Transport settings, or?

These. First two are under Settings → Alerting

E-Mail Options Settings:

  1. Enable email alerting: on
  2. From name: set (redacted)
  3. From email address: set (redacted)
  4. Use HTML emails: on
  5. Attach graph images: on (don’t seem to get these though? unsure)
  6. How to deliver mail: SMTP
  7. SMTP Server: set (redacted)
  8. SMTP port setting: 587
  9. SMTP timeout setting: 10
  10. Encryption: TLS
  11. Auto TLS support: on
  12. SMTP Authentication: on
  13. SEMTP Auth username: set (redacted)
  14. SMTP Auth password: set (redacted)

General Alert Settings:

  1. Disable alerting: off
  2. Issue alerts to admins (deprecated): on
  3. Issue alerts to read only users (deprecated): on
  4. Issue alerts to normal users (deprecated): off
  5. Issue alerts to sysContact (deprecated): on
  6. Send alerts to default contacts only (deprecated): on
  7. Copy all email alerts to default contact (deprecated): on
  8. Default contact (deprecated): set (redacted)
  9. Tolerance window for cron (m): 5
  10. Disable contact changes for active alerts: off
  11. Send acknowledged alerts: on
  12. Default acknowledge until alert clears option: off

Now I’m going to presume for the Transport part, you might be asking about Alert top menu → Alert Transports → Details for the E-Mail Transport

Those details:

  1. Transport name: E-Mail
  2. Transport type: mail
  3. Default Alert: on
  4. Contact Type: Role (I tried Specific Email before but didn’t seem to change the current results)
  5. Email: was set when I had “Specific Email” set for #4, but currently this field is empty
  6. Role: Admin
  7. BCC: off
  8. Include Graphs: on

I also want to add that it just occurred to me that I haven’t been getting any graphs or images in my alert E-Mails… uhh… ever? I’ve mostly just treated these as “go look at stuff” messages, but if I could also get some help figuring out why I’m not getting any graphics in the alert E-Mails (when it seems like I should) that would be stellar.

I’m also still getting the original problem even today.

This issue cropped up for us about 2 days ago as well. Nothing has changed in our mail/transport settings for months either.

Go to Global Settings>Alerting>General Alert settings and disable “Issue alerts to admins” (and probably all the deprecated options).

That fixed it for me.

I replicated all of your settings (except smtp auth) and can’t replicate it.

The bit that’s throwing the exception was changed recently but unless you have no valid contacts then it shouldn’t trigger.

I THINK I have valid contacts (in this case just one user, it’s smaller scale) but… for all I know I could be “wrong” :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I do still get alerts… despite the errors persisting :s

That’s what’s confusing me as well.

Definitely disable all the deprecated options anyway.

Do you have multiple mail transports configured?

Graphs and images? Same here. I just get lines of text. Nothing fancy at all.

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I have only one transport configured of any type (as in, only E-Mail, only one of that, no other transports configured)

Fixed in the latest version hopefully

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When should it hit daily channel? Today or tomorrow or?

Also, thanks for your help as always!

On daily I think it was yesterday

Okay so applied daily.sh and I am not getting the mail transport errors any more!

I do still have the deprecated things still on (partly lazy, party for testing purposes).

I’m still only getting text E-Mail alerts though, no graphics. What’s up with that?