I searched around for this but only found an article from 2015
Does LibreNMS support eigrp monitoring? I have several Eigrp sessions established on my network but LIbrenms does not seem to see them?
Overall Enjoying Libre so far!
I searched around for this but only found an article from 2015
Does LibreNMS support eigrp monitoring? I have several Eigrp sessions established on my network but LIbrenms does not seem to see them?
Overall Enjoying Libre so far!
Moved to feature requests.
Soooooo by moving this to “feature requests” I’m guessing this is not currently a feature?
+1 to EIGRP support
+1 to EIGRP support
I’d also like to see EIGRP support in LibreNMS.
+1 to EIGRP support
+10 EIGRP support