Email Alert Template

I’m trying to get more descriptive with my email alerts. In particular the Wireless Sensor.
I can see in the web interface that there is a sensor_desc that tells me what part of the wireless sensor is in alert.
what variable do I need to use to pull that information into my alert template?
Here is the raw alert

#1: sensor_id => ‘5658’, sensor_descr => ‘Clients (na)’, sensor_oids => ‘[“.”,“.”]’, sysObjectID => ‘.’, sysDescr => ‘UAP-AC-Pro-Gen2’

Here is my template

<div style="font-family:Helvetica;">
<h2>{if %state == 1}<span style="color:red;">%severity{else}<span style="color:green;">recovering{/if}</span></h2>
<b>Device:</b> <a href="">%sysName</a><br>
<b>Location:</b> %location<br>
<b>Uptime:</b> %uptime_long<br>
<b>Alert Duration:</b> %elapsed<br>
<b>State:</b> %state<br>

Thank you in advance,

You need to loop through the fault array, this is covered in the docs, give it a try.

Thanks laf,

on top of looping, I did not realize I needed to put %value.sensor_descr instead of just sensor_descr

so now I have this as the code

<div style="font-family:Helvetica;">
<h2>{if %state == 1}<span style="color:red;">%severity{else}<span style="color:green;">recovering{/if}</span></h2>
<b>Device:</b> <a href="">%sysName</a><br>
<b>Location:</b> %location<br>
<b>Uptime:</b> %uptime_long<br>
<b>Alert Duration:</b> %elapsed<br>
<b>State:</b> %state<br>
{foreach %faults}Sensor Description:%value.sensor_descr<br>

which gives the sensor description that I was looking for. Example below.

Device: 4thdunn
Location: Unknown
Uptime: 9h 19m 8s
Alert Duration: 54m 56s
State: 0
Device recovered from Wireless Sensor over limit

Sensor Description:Clients (na)

Thanks again.