Currently unable to receive email alerts on my corporate email account (microsoft 365).
Test transport works on mail, sendmail, and smtp, BUT not receiving any test emails in my inbox.
maillog shows "Connecto to $MaileServer[$IP]:25: Connection timed out, but I am able to telnet to the email server using port 25.
** delivery temporarily suspended: connect to outlook.com[$IP_ADDRESS]:25: Connection timed out
*** Shouldn’t it be trying to connect to mail.outlook.com? The logs do not show the FQDN of my mail server. -
The IP in the error message is not the IP of my mail server.
Validate.php: *seems to be attributed to the bug in
- Firewall settings are ok:
librenms]$ getsebool httpd_can_sendmail
httpd_can_sendmail → on
librenms]$ getsebool httpd_can_network_connect
httpd_can_network_connect → on
- Screenshot of my webui configs: