Email Alerts: Test transport 'OK', but no email

  • Currently unable to receive email alerts on my corporate email account (microsoft 365).

  • Test transport works on mail, sendmail, and smtp, BUT not receiving any test emails in my inbox.

  • maillog shows "Connecto to $MaileServer[$IP]:25: Connection timed out, but I am able to telnet to the email server using port 25.
    ** delivery temporarily suspended: connect to[$IP_ADDRESS]:25: Connection timed out
    *** Shouldn’t it be trying to connect to The logs do not show the FQDN of my mail server.

  • The IP in the error message is not the IP of my mail server.

  • Validate.php: *seems to be attributed to the bug in

  • Firewall settings are ok:

librenms]$ getsebool httpd_can_sendmail
httpd_can_sendmail → on
librenms]$ getsebool httpd_can_network_connect
httpd_can_network_connect → on

  • Screenshot of my webui configs:

You need type smtp, not send mail…

I tried all three versions; SMTP, Sendmail, and Mail. I got the same results with each option.

Please read over the Office 365 docs again. You never use

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