Env: ‘mib2c’: No such file or directory

hi guys ,
im trying to add an Infortrend storage device . my enviorment is a vm downloaded from github (librenms image of a virtual machine)
i’ve donwloaded the MIB files , created a folder under mibs, added a new operating system. but when it comes to processing the file MIB


The OS DS_3016 appears to exist already, skipping to sensors support
ctrl+c to exit now otherwise please enter the MIB name including path (url is also fine) for us to check for sensors: IFT-SNMP-MIB
Do you want to add extLunTable? (y/N) y
env: ‘mib2c’: No such file or directory

In Yaml.php line 73:

Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml::parse(): Argument #1 ($input) must be of type string, null given, called in /opt/librenms/scripts/new-os.php on line 117

i don’t understand now what im doing wrong …

You need to install mib2c

thanks @murrant installing this package did the trick :slight_smile:
apt-get install libsnmp-dev. one solved multiple other issues now arise
i don’t see the device to adapt the svg icon i selected , url was from a website though…
is there anyway how to delete the OS and readd eveything back? or do i need to respin the vm?

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