Error importing MariadB database files during Librenms installation

Dear all,

I am trying to setup a distributedpoller environment. In my case, I have the nginx and the main poller in one server, a rrdstorage in another server with rrdcached and memcached and the mariadb database in other one. I have followed all docs steps to install Librenms in Ubuntu 18.04. I have changed the bind address to in mariadb server to allow remote connections from any other server.

Using this command:

mysql -u librenms -h “databasehost” -p --port 3306

I am able to connect to the database with the main poller. However, during the installation steps, when I try to import MariadB files this issue appears:

Did anyone cope with this issue before? I am becoming crazy since if I generate the config.php manually copying from copy.php.default I am able to access to the GUI. However, I cannot create alerts (even disbale or enable them), templates or transports and even widgets in the dashboard and i think that is due to a wrong import of database’s files.
My .env file configuration is the following:

DB_HOST= databasehost
DB_PASSWORD= password

I look forward to any answer.


Hi Sebatia_Janer_Cifre,

Did you this issue resolved?

I am having the same issue. I tried using the existing “config.php.default” file by renaming it to config.php but then I believe i am missing some data from database that’s causing issues with Graphs.
