Error: You must run lnms as the user librenms

i have installed librenms as illustrated in the deployement guide.
i am running below command and getting the mentioned error
lnms config:get
Error: You must run lnms as the user librenms

i have tried all the passwords non work when in do
su librenms
so if the creds are needed for this account what is the proper way to reset it ?

If you just followed the installation instructions then by design the librenms user you created doesn’t have a password. If you look in /etc/shadow you should see the entry for the librenms user starts “librenms:!:…”. The exclamation mark means the password is locked, which prevents logging in to the account using a password at all, even if one were set.

Whilst in theory you could create a password for the account, the expectation is that you run the command ‘su - librenms’ with root privileges (ie either as the root user or via sudo, depending on how you have your server configured). Running su with root privilege means no password is needed to become the librenms user, and you can then run lnms.


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